Review: LEGO Star Wars 75314 The Bad Batch Attack Shuttle

After the ending of The Clone Wars show, The Bad Batch quickly became one of our favorites on Disney+. We are very excited to be able to take a closer look at LEGO Star Wars 75314 The Bad Batch Attack Shuttle in this review. The clear winners in this set are the minifigures. The shuttle is well done, but the scale is simply too small and the speeder bikes don’t make a lot of sense. It’s worth picking up this set just for the minifigures though.
At 969 pieces, this set is a descent size. At first glance, it appears to come with a lot. In addition to the shuttle, there are two additional speeder vehicles, a gonk droid, and five minifigures.

The back of the box shows the features of this set. They include wings that move from a landing position into flying, missile launchers, and a cockpit that opens. Crosshair is already the enemy as he is shooting at the others.

The instruction booklet is small and thick, with the same art as the box front.

There are not too many stickers. Half of them are for the speeders. At least the cockpit is printed.

All of Clone Force 99 is here including Hunter, Wrecker, Tech, Echo, and Crosshair. The gonk droid, Gonky, is a cute addition, although he is not referred to by this name in the set. Noticeably missing is Omega. The detail on these minifigures is amazing. The printing is very well done. All of them have unique accessories and a custom printing pattern.

To keep accurate with the show, Hunter and Tech have hair pieces to put on when the helmets are off. The helmets are all unique and are well done. Tech’s helmet is my favorite.

You start off by building the first of two speeder bikes. This one is quite large, but it is at minifigure scale. There are two shooters in the front and the steering wheel is adjustable. The repurposed skis on the sides is a nice building technique.

The second speeder is smaller, but is still at minifigure scale. There are some neat building techniques here as well. I like the color pattern here a bit better.

The attack shuttle’s name is the Havoc Marauder, a modified Omicron-class attack shuttle. Despite its small size, it is a fun build. It was interesting to see how the sloped body pieces fit together. This thing would look pretty intimating if it was flying right towards you.

In this side view you can see the dorsal fin better. I guess to keep it thin, there are only studs on one side. The other side you just see the bottom of the pieces.

From the rear view you can see the engines nicely. The outline of the ship looks great.

The wings are fully adjustable to allow for a landing position, although there is no landing gear. The bottom of the wings do not have studs, but there is some detail with technic pieces that was added for looks and is not needed for the functionality.

The cockpit and back of the ship open to reveal a few more details. Two minifigures can fit in the front and two in the back. Here you can really tell the scale of this ship is quite small. It is not build to minifigure scale and you can’t even fit all of the minifigures inside let alone Gonky as well.

The main reason I would recommend purchasing this set is for the amazing minifigures and gonk droid. When compared to the shuttle, the speeders are too large, but this set really suffers from a ship that is too small. It would have been better to add some size to the shuttle itself and forgo the speeders all together. I think the goal was to improve the playability of the set, but I would have preferred a minifig scale shuttle instead. Maybe we’ll see a UCS version of this ship at some point, which hopefully would include Omega.

We hope you enjoyed our review of LEGO Star Wars 75314 The Bad Batch Attack Shuttle. Don’t miss our other LEGO Star Wars reviews! Let us know what you think about this set in the comments below!