Review: LEGO 7590 Woody and Buzz to the Rescue

Toy Story is one of our favorite movie franchises. Who could forget watching the original? I was lucky enough to see it in theaters! Let’s take a look at our review of LEGO 7590 Woody and Buzz to the Rescue. This set depicts an iconic scene from the first film and features three of the most amazing characters: Woody, Buzz Lightyear, and RC! This was such a fun build and took us back to that intense time in the movie, where Buzz and Woody are trying to catch up to Andy’s moving truck!
The box depicts the action scene from Toy Story 1 when Woody lights the rocket strapped to Buzz, and they ride RC to try to catch up to Andy! Notice the motor action at the bottom which shows how RC can really drive! Be sure not to miss our video showing how this works near the end of this review.
The instructions depict the same scene as the box. I’m sure you will recognize the white clouds of Andy’s wallpaper! For 92 pieces, the instructions are not that long.

The best part about this build are the incredible minifigs. This set features the older style of minifigure heads. Notice how they more resemble the Pixar characters and are not the standard LEGO size. I prefer this style, versus the standard size ones released in later sets. Although, Woody’s hat is not removable. Buzz’s helmet and flight apparatus are removable. Also notice how Woody’s legs are longer than standard size.

The great detail continues on the back. The wings on Buzz’s suit can come off. I really like how it shows Andy’s pull string on the back of Woody.

The build comes in two parts, with the rocket and RC. The rocket is only 6 pieces, and can be strapped on the back of Buzz. It says the “Big One” on the side. I bet you read that in Sid’s voice, didn’t you?

RC is also an amazing part of this build. His character and appearance are precisely reproduced in LEGO form. You can immediately tell this is just no ordinary car!

The water splash patterns are printed tiles and give RC that iconic look.

There are places for Woody and Buzz to sit, just like in the film! Hang on guys!

They will be blasting off to Andy soon!

Let’s take a look at RC’s pull-back motor action in this YouTube video. As you may notice, RC doesn’t go very far after he is pulled back. I didn’t show this in the video, but if I would pull him back farther and let him go, he would go extremely fast (like too fast out of control). It was hard to find a more controllable medium speed. Also, it was very easy for RC to fall apart if I would try to make him go faster. The playability of this set for that reason is not very good.
This is a great Toy Story set for the old style of minifigures and the RC build. It really brings back a lot of memories watching Toy Story 1! Although RC does have a pull-back motor, you are probably going to want to leave this as a display item as he is very fragile.

Thanks for reading our review of LEGO 7590 Woody and Buzz to the Rescue! Be sure to check out our other LEGO Reviews, and let us know what you think in the comments!