What Happened to the LEGO Magazine?

What should you do when your child starts to show an interest in LEGO? Sign up for the FREE LEGO Magazine! This is your way to stay connected to the latest news, sets, and trends. Plus, kids love receiving their own mail!
At some point almost 20 years ago, I stopped receiving the LEGO Magazine. As a kid, I used to love looking through these and circling what I wanted for Christmas or my birthday. The photo above shows my only four magazines from the late ’90s and early 2000s that survived.
Recently, I found myself asking, what happened to the LEGO magazine? I don’t remember ever unsubscribing to it! When I was a kid, it was called the LEGO Club Magazine. As of 2017 the name is now the LEGO Life Magazine.
This post is a part of our New to LEGO Starter Guide Series, specifically for parents who are new to LEGO. Click on the link to learn more!
How Can You Sign Up for the LEGO Magazine?
You can sign up your child for the magazine online here. Before you can sign up, you have to login or sign up for a LEGO account. It might take up to 6 – 16 weeks for the first issue to arrive. The website states that is is only for children ages 5-9, but I was able to sign my son up for it (who is under the age of 5). Starting with the last issue of 2020, there are now two different versions of the magazine. One for children below age 7 and one for children above age 7.
You can also download prior issues here.
The magazine is completely free and is mailed four times a year! Let us know in the comments how long it took you to receive, and what your favorite parts are!