LEGO Kids’ Clothes 40% Off Sale at Macy’s

This week I was shopping at a local Macy’s in Southern California and discovered they are having a sale on LEGO Kids’ clothes at 40% off! Let’s take a look at some of the awesome items they have! These are in the Boys’ section and are from sizes 2 – 7. With fall on the way soon, these hoodie and pants sets, or long sleeve T-shirts and pants sets, are great for the cold weather.
This hoodie and pants set features a LEGO gamer minifigure. He has headphones and a LEGO brick controller, which appears to be a printed tile.

Here are a couple more hoodie and pants sets. The one on the right features the classic LEGO colors of yellow, red, and blue. The set on the left features LEGO bricks diagonally across the front in red, blue, yellow, and white.

“Change the World One Brick at a Time” is the slogan of this hoodie and pants set. LEGO has a Build the Change initiative for kids which you can read more about on their website. There are building challenges to inspire kids to “build the change” they want to see in the world.

I like this brick pattern of the hoodie and pants sets the best. Plus, these were available in smaller sizes.

There is also a wide selection of long sleeve T-shirts and pants sets. I didn’t get close up photos of all of them, but you can see them all here.

This one says “Future Engineer.” Not a bad way to get your start by playing and designing with LEGO bricks!

With a little one at home, our motto is indeed “Build, Smash, Repeat.” Dad does most of the building. I’m sure you can guess who does most of the smashing. Then dad rebuilds. This is my favorite shirt overall.

It’s not too often that I run across LEGO Kids’ clothes in stores, and on sale at Macy’s too! I hope you can also find this sale near where you live! We would love to hear from you so let us know in the comments! Be sure to check out our other LEGO Sales and Deals page!