I Went to the LEGO Store During COVID-19: Here’s Everything You Need to Know

Most of the LEGO Stores are now open, including the Pick-a-Brick Wall! Recently, I was able to visit a few LEGO stores in the Southwestern United States, specifically at Fashion Show in Las Vegas, NV, Downtown Disney District at Disneyland in Anaheim, CA, and Ontario Mills in Ontario, CA. Visiting the LEGO store during COVID-19 was safe and easy! You can read all about the precautions and strict safety measures the LEGO Group is taking on their COVID-19 update page.
The stores did a great job with taking precautions and were strict with enforcement. Make sure to check out my experience with the Pick-a-Brick Wall below!
Store Capacity is Limited
The number of guests the store allows inside at any given time is limited. There is plenty of space inside to keep everyone socially distanced.

There are waiting lines outside with social distancing markers. Every store had a wait, but it wasn’t very long. The staff also checks that everyone is wearing a mask before they allow the customers to enter the store.

The waiting line (or standby line) at Downtown Disney District at Disneyland (pictured above), was the longest and wrapped around the building to the right, about halfway to the restrooms. There was also a more fancy sign located here. I’m not sure why it is “good news” that there is a standby line, other than it’s a good thing to take COVID precautions. The line looked sort of intimidating, but it moved fast. There was also no time limit as to how long you could stay inside and I was able to browse at my leisure.
Mask Wearing is Required
All of the employees were wearing masks, and the customers are required to wear masks as well. There was an employee at the entrance to each store enforcing the mask requirement. Capacity was low enough inside each store to easily achieve social distancing.
Pick-a-Brick Wall is Open
I was surprised to see that the Pick-a-Brick Wall was open! I was able to take advantage of this with the COVID-19 precautions.

Is it called Pick-a-Brick or Pick & Build? Regardless, it was great to have this feature back! Check out the COVID-19 guidelines below.

A strict set of guidelines is posted in order to use the Pick-a-Brick wall. The employees did a good job of explaining the process. There was also a time limit of 15 minutes if there was someone waiting behind you to do their picking. You can see the rules on the clipboard in the picture above, and they are also copied below.
Pick & Build Guidelines
- Please keep your mask up above your nose and mouth at all times while shopping our assortment of bricks.
- Only one person/family at a time can access the wall. Limit 3 people for one family.
- We do have to limit the time you’re picking to 15 minutes so we have time to clean and prepare for the next family.
- Please do not put your hands in the wall, instead use these fancy amazing tongs or scooper, whichever you prefer they’re sanitized and ready for you.
- Here is some sanitizer for your hands before and after we start. If you are unable to reach something please let us know, we have additional tongs and scoopers we can use to get what you need.
- Finally, have fun!!

Above you can see the tongs and/or the scooper which are used to pick the bricks you need. Additionally, there was a box of disposable gloves which you can use. It is not mentioned in the rules, but it is also an option. I chose to use the gloves as I wanted to pick a few of each brick.

There are two different sizes of cups to choose from. It is a set price of $8.99 for the small, and $15.99 for the large, no matter how many bricks you can fit inside. Strategy is key to get the most for your money!

I decided to go with the large cup, and start by filling it with smaller pieces, as the bottom of the cup is not completely flat. Then, I placed the larger pieces in until it was almost full, then topped it off with smaller pieces, some of which can fall down into the cup to fill up the cracks. I was pretty satisfied with this strategy!

The Pick-a-Brick Wall at Disneyland. There is a great LEGO sculpture of Baby Yoda in his hover pod!

The LEGO Store at Downtown Disneyland had a nice selection of bricks on their wall. As you can see, there are also COVID-19 precautions in place, but the wall is open.
Play Tables and Other Events are Still Closed
Not surprisingly, building demos, events, and play tables are still closed. There is no word on when these might reopen.
Visiting the LEGO Store During COVID-19
Visiting the LEGO store during COVID-19 felt safe, and was a lot of fun! After not visiting a LEGO store for over a year, it was great to be back! Have you visited a LEGO store lately, or went to the Pick-a-Brick Wall? Tell us about your experience in the comments!